My Favourite Books


In my work with clients I like to recommend some reading that can further explore issues that come up ‘in session’ and inform and provide reflection; complimenting our work together. From self-awareness to processing childhood beliefs, the books listed below are some of my favourites.


How to master anxiety by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrell – A practical exploration on what anxiety is, what to do when you feel anxious and some ways of challenging that way of thinking. Also covers phobias and OCD. Very easy to read and to dip in and out of.

The Man Who Didn’t Stop by David Adam – A heavy but enlightening read on OCD.

Hardcore Self Help F***k Anxiety by Robert Duff – Pulling no punches this quick read on anxiety is great for the guys, how to manage panic attacks and other anxiety symptoms.


Too Perfect by A Mallinger and J DeWyze – Many of us don’t realise that perfectionism can apply to us, from difficulties in making decisions, a strong devotion to work, problems with commitment and procrastination, its all about having too high expectations and giving ourselves and other a hard time.


Passing Judgement by Terrie Apter – a help with reflection on relationships and the power play throughout life, it looks at guilt and shame and asks so many questions.

Subliminal by Leonard Mlodinov – the exciting world of what makes us tick, unconscious impulses that explain how our rational thinking is anything but, it’s a fascinating look at why we do what we do.

Counselling for Toads by Robert De Board – Based on Wind in the Willows; this incredibly readable book introduces the reader to looking at the roles we play in life and whether we can change those roles in adulthood to gain a better perspective in life.

The Self Illusion by Bruce Hood – questioning the childhood script, just who did we think we ought to be and who actually are we?


Who’s Pulling Your Strings by Harriett Braiker – Are you in a relationship where you feel out of control, do all your relationships fit this pattern? Learn how you play your part in this dynamic and how to break it for good.

Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft – Focussing on the relationship between children and their fathers, wives and their husbands where there is emotional or physical abuse, its explores the angry man.

The Emotionally Abusive Relationship by Beverley Engel – Is your relationship emotionally abusive? Questions for both the abuser and the abused, a look at familial patterns carried forward into adult relationships.


How Can I Ever Trust You Again by Andrew Marshal – Struggling to come to terms with infidelity in your relationship, this book takes you through the steps from ‘discovery’ to ‘acceptance’. All this authors books on relationships are first class and written in an easily accessible way.

The State of Affairs by Esther Perel – A modern look at infidelity, how it need not mean an end to your relationship, it brings a depth of understanding to an issue that affects many relationships.

The Mating Game by Allen & Barbara Pease – A lightheated look at why and how men and women think differently because… we do!

Love me Don’t Leave Me by Michelle Skeen – Feeling needy in relationships? Exploring the fear of abandonment and identifying the core belief that determined those fears.

Couples by Kate Figes – In it for the long haul? This book takes us through the issues that face a couple starting out together through to having a family facing the challenges in today’s culture from settling into life together, in-laws, infidelity, online porn and aging.

Insecure in Love by Becker-Phelps – How your childhood relationships impact adult relationships.


Naked at Our Age by Joan Price – Discussing sex at a later age, the physical changes and issues. Has your partner gone off the idea and you want to get the conversation started? This book is invaluable if you wish to re-introduce sex as part of your ongoing relationship.

The Sex Book by Mel Agace – Ever wondered if you were getting it right? This book covers every issue of sex from straight sex to fetish sex, hetero and gay sex, sex play toys, solo sex and sexual health, yes, its all about sex!


Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig – Insightful and holding no punches, this book appeals to the under 40’s who are struggling to see a future worth having.


Grief Works by Julia Samuel – The loss of a parent, sibling, partner, child or facing your own death, all these areas of loss are explored in this sensitive and compassionate book.

The Midlife Orphan by Jane Brooks – this book explores how nothing will be the same again, rebalancing ourselves following the loss of one or both parents, how even when it is anticipated it can still be a shock.

You’ll Get Over It by Virginia Ironside – Understanding the anguish; the shock, rage, powerlessness, fear and guilt. How to cope with other people’s responses to your grief and getting to understand the new you that you will be following the loss of a loved one.


The Secret Lives of Men by James Hawes – A fresh look at society’s pressures on men today; what is expected of them and what they expect from themselves.


Difficult Mothers by Terri Apter – I use this book so often, identifying why your relationship with you mother was not about you..